Wednesday, May 12, 2010


this last night in NYC is terribly bittersweet.

Ohio bound, Michigan bound, summer bound.

Monday, May 3, 2010

a lesson in patience.

Have I mentioned how much I love the pastor at Presbyterian Redeemer, the church I've been going to here? Dr. Timothy Keller is great; every word, every phrase, I seem to agree with. Yes, this even surprised me! I've never been much of a note-taker during a sermon, but the one week I was without a pen here was killing me. I'm taking down bullet points like it's my job! I'm sad that I only caught onto this church within these last 2 months, but I've been attending regularly for the past 5 weeks and it will definitely be a part of NYC that I miss.

Currently, Tim is diving into the Fruits of the Spirit (Galations 5:22), digesting one a week. Yesterday's sermon was on Patience, something I've been meaning-and needing-to work on. He broke it down into three sections (like any good Presbyterian would): the Principle, Practice, and Power of Patience. I figured since this series has struck such a chord with me, I'd share some of my notes:

based on Romans 12:17-21, in having patience with others

Principle: the only way to overcome evil, is with good.
  1. bless (pray for) those who you're bitter towards. As Tim put it, "You can't hate someone you're praying for!" (Matt 5)
  2. forgive them; forgiveness is always granted before it is felt.
  3. don't avoid them (v. 18 "as it depends on you")
  4. will their good (v. 20a), do what you can for their good and growth
  5. oppose them - humbly! (v. 20b), seek truth softly, graciously, and knowingly; to be humble is to be justified Jesus Christ
Power: only God has the right to pass judgment; we don't know what the person deserves

Patience and grace is only achieved "in view of God's mercy." (Romans 12:1)

Obviously, these notes don't do justice to how great I think this all is. But just thought I'd share some of the lovin'. :)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

homestretch. [procrastinating this dumb paper.]

2 weeks from today I will be on a flight back to Ohio.

In other news, my internship with the Ladd brothers has been going so well that they hired me for the summer! Long-distance of course. Having only worked for them for about 3 weeks, my relationship with them is great and I love working for them. There's even talk of me working for them in the future...maybe in Hawaii...we'll see...! ;) New York has definitely given me some amazing opportunities and stellar connections.

I'm sure I'll be back someday.

But for now, Grand Rapids is calling my name and I'm ready to make that trek from Ohio to Michigan in my little CR-V, blasting my music, going at my own pace, and dreaming of an adventurous
Summer 2010.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Romans 5:1-11

I love the time I've spent here in NYC but this last month is both flying by and dragging on all at once.

Recently, I've struggled with thoughts of just wanting to be back in Grand Rapids; skip this last month here, and just be in my house, in Grand Rapids, with my car, with my friends, and have it be summer time.

I think I've realized however, that part of my discontentment in this last month is not only anxiousness to get home, but also a lack of Christ in my life here in NYC. Not that Christ is not present here, but that I have not been actively pursuing a deeper connection with Him while living here.

So much of this NYCAMS semester is defined by how much effort we ourselves put into our time in the city and in this program. And I believe, that along with work effort and motivation in my studies and internships, that this effort also lies in me to continue soaking up the love that Christ has blessed me with. Unfortunately, I have definitely been slacking in my relationship with my adoring Father. Thus, it feels like it's all catching up to me now -- that this restlessness is caused by a valley I've subconsciously (or consciously) wandered into.

I've relied too much on the comforts and ease of a church I love in Grand Rapids, as well as a community of believers in my friends and co-workers, along with other familiar bits and pieces I can dip into spiritually, and have become lost on my own. God has plucked me from familiarity and placed me in an overwhelming, impersonal city, and has been waiting for me to stand up, cry out, and look to Him. So instead of turning from these spiritual comforts and seeking new ones, I have stood pouting in this concrete jungle, expecting these comforts to fall into my lap.

I am sweetly broken, therefore I need to wholly surrender and realize that although Christ pursues me and waits with open arms, I need to reciprocate and pursue HIM. Everyday. Pursue.

Here's a playlist that I've been pumping into my little iPod and affectionately labeled "REBOOT"

Sweetly Broken -- Jeremy Riddle
Overcome -- Desperation Band
Hope Now -- Addison Road
God of This City -- Chris Tomlin
Marvelous Light -- Christy Nockels

(I, of course, highly suggest these wonderful songs. If I were more tech-savvy I would've had them clickable to play, but isn't that what Google is for? "Just Google it.")

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

man oh man oh man.

time is flying.
of course.
but I'm getting the hang of this, at least.
I've picked up another internship.
(of course, ha!)
not for credit or anything, but just for the shear experience. it's two brothers who have been collaborating for 10 years. our class visited their studio on a field trip and I just loved their work so much I asked if I could help out! they have a big installation coming up so they gladly accepted my extra hands.
here's the link to their website, because Kevin was worried they were shady guys, haha. :)
other than that, I still have 1 presentation and 2 papers to write. gah!
and art to make.
of course.
but I successfully did 3 loads of laundry tonight -- $12. kill me. NYC drains my bank account!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


2 presentations.
2 10-page papers.
5 more critiques.
5 weeks left.