Currently, Tim is diving into the Fruits of the Spirit (Galations 5:22), digesting one a week. Yesterday's sermon was on Patience, something I've been meaning-and needing-to work on. He broke it down into three sections (like any good Presbyterian would): the Principle, Practice, and Power of Patience. I figured since this series has struck such a chord with me, I'd share some of my notes:
based on Romans 12:17-21, in having patience with others
Principle: the only way to overcome evil, is with good.
- bless (pray for) those who you're bitter towards. As Tim put it, "You can't hate someone you're praying for!" (Matt 5)
- forgive them; forgiveness is always granted before it is felt.
- don't avoid them (v. 18 "as it depends on you")
- will their good (v. 20a), do what you can for their good and growth
- oppose them - humbly! (v. 20b), seek truth softly, graciously, and knowingly; to be humble is to be justified Jesus Christ
Patience and grace is only achieved "in view of God's mercy." (Romans 12:1)
Obviously, these notes don't do justice to how great I think this all is. But just thought I'd share some of the lovin'. :)
I meant to ask you if you had been to Redeemer Pres . . . now I know. I read one of Tim Keller's books and really liked it, so it's good to hear that his sermons are just as engaging =)